Innovative Product design ideas
  • 30/09/2021
  • 10

Innovative product design ideas that impacted the world

Innovative product design ideas that impacted the world

Designers create innovative and exciting items that allow us to fantasize about our future.

They invent new goods that excite us and are designed to aid us and make our lives easier and more practical.

Product design capability has moved from the hands of the few to the open arms of the many, thanks to ever-improving access to design technology and the increasing affordability of 3D printers and other small-scale manufacturing processes, resulting in an explosion of innovative and exciting design ideas.

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When it comes to product design, product packaging is significant. A beautiful and imaginative product design substantially impacts our decision to choose one thing over another.

As a result, the product needs to be honest and help every customer understand its values and usage, appeal to the targeted audience, and help to enhance their life experience.

Here are some of the most remarkable and innovative product design ideas that impacted the world!

The DS Citroën car

In 1955, the Citroen DS Car grabbed the world by storm. Flaminio Bertoni, an Italian sculptor and industrial designer, and André Lefèbvre, a French aeronautical engineer, designed the DS. Its futuristic aerodynamic body shape and new technology were shocking and revolutionary to the public. This was a car unlike any other on the road, with its scarab-like teardrop shape. The bright colors and open, airy inside were such a departure from the day’s dark, heavy, industrial cars that it redefined what a car could be. During this period, most of the vehicles had evolved from Chariots; this is one of the first cars that changed the design and engineering approach of the car we know now.

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The focus on aerodynamics was common in this era; most US-based car manufacturers made streamlined space ship-looking cars with many extravagant chromed features inspired by jet fighter planes.

The Citroen DS took a new approach by getting the aerodynamics to its essence and delivering a pure shape, challenging this era’s manufacturing methods to produce slick, smooth, and refined body panels and integrated chromed elements…

The interior was also a completely new approach, as suddenly the comfort was at aim and the efficiency of the driving experience.

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Technologically, the DS was impressive with its new electro-hydraulic suspension and the first car equipped with disc brakes.

iPhone – 1st Generation

The first iPhone is a groundbreaking innovation.

It has completely revolutionized the phone industry and how people use and even relate to their phones.

It was the first phone to become the door to the world. All other competitors at this time were very efficient business phones, and you needed to be a bit techy to get the best of them.

Suddenly, the digital world became accessible quickly for everyone with the iPhone. At this time, everybody started to adopt the Easy tech spirit of Apple thanks to this phone.

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Not only did the iPhone change the relationship of people towards their phone and digital world, but it also completely changed the digital industry by being associated with the App Store, I tunes and all the proprietary content of Apple. The digital world, which was pretty free during this time, became private. It was the beginning of the significant Digital change that we experience today.

Conceptual iPhones were sketched by Jonathan Ive and the Apple Design Team. The original iPhone was a tiny device shaped like a bar of soap and weighing 135 grams. Aside from the glass screen, the phone’s chassis was primarily composed of aluminum and embraced the display to protect it from side impacts.

It has never denied Dieter Rams, a German designer’s impact on him. Rams are known for the products he designed for the German business Braun. His creative foundation is based on the functional design created at the Bauhaus school in the early decades of the twentieth century.

To create such an innovative product, engineers had to combine an entirely new physical design with a groundbreaking user interface that shared many similarities with those of that time’s desktop and laptop computers.

Uber & Airbnb

Uber and Airbnb pioneered a new way of doing peer-to-peer commerce, posing a significant challenge to the status quo of the hotel and taxi industries. Uber intended to promote design thinking, attract talent, and showcase its design and technical teams’ incredible work. Uber has gone through design phases since its inception as UberCab in 2010, demonstrating how different ideas and challenges have become essential to the organization. The brand’s influence was so strong that “lets Uber a ride home” became a popular term.

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Those two companies were pioneers in the digital world and set a new path for the industry.

Of course, as mentioned above, it was directly visible in the hotel and taxi industry. Still, it also impacted all the other domains by showing a new way of doing business, skipping the big company, and going peer to peer.

A new business spirit entered the digital world after them, and nowadays, most of the big successful web companies owe a lot to those pioneers.

First iMac and I-book

They changed the family computer from the sad grey square box into a colorful desirable product that you would showcase and not hide under your desk. For the first time, they also displayed and lit the brand logo on the back of the screen. In the first iMac – I book, (the Apple logo was upside down when the laptop opened, one of the only mistakes in this laptop). They also changed the business model of all the PCs, software, and music industry by putting everything under the control of the computer company itself, with proprietary format and codes, and creating an Apple business (iTunes, app-store, etc.).

It was the first family computer where styling and esthetic became essential features.

With this approach, apple won creative customers by showcasing their personalities and difference through their computers. The all brand Identity of Apple that we all know today started at this time, with this decision to focus on users’ experience and joy more than informatics specs.

3D printing

For years, 3D printing has dominated the news. However, it wasn’t until HP’s Jet Fusion printers arrived that plastic printing quality improved enough to be widely adopted and significantly manufactured. HP’s technology offers high resolution and component performance, as well as the promise of low enough costs to be competitive in scale. In 2018, HP took things a step further by introducing its Metal Jet printers, which were designed to achieve the same results in metal as they had in plastic. This opens up a whole new world of design possibilities for our team, and we can’t wait to see where it takes us.

3D printing is now revolutionizing the world in three main aspects:

Innovation: Nowadays, it is swift to get a working prototype of your innovative products, thanks to 3D printing. This technology allows companies to innovate faster and see tomorrow the results of today’s decisions. The overall pace of innovation worldwide drastically grew due to 3D printing. We can also now industrialize parts that the older ways of manufacturing were not allowing us to do, giving a lot of new possibilities to explore.

Makers spirit: This new technology has taken the industry by surprise. It is now possible for anyone to print and update or evolve their products with a computer and table 3D printer. With just a push of a button, everybody can now be a “Maker”; it means creating things, even complexes and intricate ones. This technology has empowered a lot of creative persons to develop their art or business.

Manufacturing processes: 3D printing is also on the verge of revolutionizing the mass manufacturing industry by allowing a new way of producing without having huge investments required for specific tooling. (Adidas is printing some of its soles with a 3D printer. Otherwise, it would have required expensive molds and machines for every foot’s size). This revolution is called factory 4.0, and most mass-producing industries are looking into this to create more complex and personalized products with lower investments. This would offer more to customers while lowering the investments costs, the wastage of material, and in the end, increasing the company margins.

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