Think, live and consume differently.
After two centuries of development, which saw both the flight of human knowledge and two world wars sending humanity back to its darkest side, after believing that resources were infinite and having discovered the finitude of his planet, man is led by his reason as well as by the brutality of the situation to the need to think differently, to live differently, to consume differently, while trying to satisfy his desire for emancipation and peaceful living together.
To achieve such an objective, we must both act on our daily environments – on the sustainable quality of the services, systems, objects that constitute them – and allow free and responsible individuals to deploy and carry out their personal and collective projects.
It is precisely the mission of the designer trained at Strate School of Design, Bengaluru to contribute to solving this equation, by linking the requirements of utility, ease, simplicity, pleasure, and beauty, at the service of all. men and each of them.
Design at the service of the quality of people’s lives.
Between the project of the engineer – mastering technologies – and that of the marketer – identifying needs – the designer comes to both; join and accomplish these projects, reversing the points of view and putting them at the service of the quality of life.
At Strate School of Design, Bengaluru, the designer relies on what we will call the “design mix” which combines:
Designers participate in the design of devices, services, objects that structure our daily lives.
This artificial and complex environment strongly influences our perception of the world and discreetly shapes our lifestyles: we are all objects of design.
Paradoxically, our ability to adapt these ways of life in the face of planetary challenges remains a major difficulty, while it conditions the sustainability of our species. Therefore, designers must exercise their responsibility by acquiring a good understanding of the issues, and by integrating global and long-term considerations into their thinking. They are then able to put their know-how at the service of researching and designing solutions that are both viable and desirable.
At Strate School of Design, Bengaluru, the main objective of the designer is to serve his fellow man.
The designer is at the crossroads of several disciplines, and it is this position that gives relevance and strength to his approach, the very one that we implement at Strate School of Design, Bengaluru.
Designer is both an observer of the human situations on which he works and an operator of the technologies available to respond to them.
The first of its tasks is to observe and this observation is primarily anthropological. It is a question of identifying the human stakes, before translating them into market terms: the service, the system which carries it, the objects which compose it are responses to human needs before being commercial offers.
The designer will therefore draw on the human sciences to determine what he must measure and observe. He will then go to the field to study it, using an ethnographic approach. He will then carry out analyses in order to draw lessons that will enable him to develop solutions.
Marketing techniques are not excluded from this stage: surveys, panels, control groups are complements to a more scientific approach.
The designer’s second task is to identify the technologies, processes and materials that will enable the implementation of the solutions developed.
This implies on his part a permanent monitoring activity. In fact, the choice of a technology always has repercussions in terms of feasibility, manufacturing, robustness, but also cost. This multidisciplinary practice is not only fruitful, but also the condition of the designer’s mediation process, whether he acts as a project manager or a simple facilitator.
The lessons at Strate School of Design, Bengaluru, induce and allow modes of thought, production of concepts, communication, sharing and collaborative development of great efficiency.
The value of the designer is that he integrates into a multidisciplinary project team and improves nature and temporalities.
The plurality of techniques covered is a determining criterion at Strate School of Design, Bengaluru. These techniques are carried by tools in constant evolution.
Between clay sculpture and 3D modelling, between pastels and Photoshop, between graphite and Illustrator, between decals and 3D printing, between a comic strip and a digital video, the designer handles all the techniques and materials useful for creation.
He must then seize all these new modalities, without ever being hypnotized by their power to the point of losing sight of his objectives.
Knowing how to represent & give shape.
At Strate School of Design, Bengaluru, the technical expertise that differentiates the profession of designer is that linked to its ability to represent and formalize. We learn to draw, model, sculpt and represent flat or in volume.
These techniques are first “artistic” because it is a question of producing beauty. Whether it is an everyday object, a professional object or a space, beauty is always at the service of the quality of the experience, lasting or ephemeral.
Admission Open 2024-2025.
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