Various projects by students of Identity Design program

Project Name: Lush

Student Name : Sophie Etienne
Lab projet 2015 – Identity III – Facilitator: Sylvie de France

Subject :Creation of a new range of content / containers for an existing brand.

Solution : A range of beauty and healthcare products for women inspired by the different traditions across the world. This range is composed of nourishing oil from Brazil, black soap exfoliating scrub from Morocco, and moisturizing milk with green tea extract from Japan. In keeping with their eco-responsible commitment, the packaging for this range is reusable. We can refill the jars in the store instead of buying them again. Secondary packaging too is reduced to the minimum (single sheet of Kraft paper).

Project Name: Caustik

Student Name : Adrien Pichelin
Diploma project 2014 – Identity Design


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